Monday, April 15, 2013

Design and do the poster for Presentation Day

This month I design and do the poster to my project for presentation day. This poster is combination all about objective, application, methodology, diagram, description, result, benefit and conclusion.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Result and Conclusion for project

This is flow of operation.
 This is a flow of basic operation for this project. Development of smart blind cane is using ping ultrasonic sensor and voice module. PIC 16F877A will programmable the function that a cane want operate. The ultrasonic is function to send the transmitted pulse and feedback the receiver pulse to determine the distance in front. The voice module is function to feeds warning back, in the forms of voice messages and buzzer, to users.
            Firstly, if there obstacle and barrier in front, and the ultrasonic sensor will send the signal to circuit microcontroller. The microcontroller read the language of c programming that flow how the PIC function to ultrasonic sensor and voice module. The cane detected by ultrasonic sensor to determine the distance of barrier in front. After that, when signal microcontroller will active a transistor drive relay circuit for switching ON the relay. This project is using two of transistor drive relay. Then, the signal is send to the voice module and feed the warning to user. The circuit will cause the relay to another transistor drive relay circuit unit switching ON to stop or cutoff the voice warning. The buzzer is use direct incoming supply between switching ON with PIC. When the distance of barrier detected, the buzzer will produced a sound. Finally, the user can communicate with users the barrier detection in front by voice alert and buzzer.

This is my finally pic for my project.


The main purpose of this study is to produce a prototype that can detect objects or obstacles in front of users and feeds warning back, in the forms of voice messages and vibration, to users. Combination of ultrasonic sensors and a microcontroller function for detection and distance stick and obstacles in front of. This project is to people with disabilities that are blind to facilitate the movement and increase safety.
The smart blind cane is successfully designed consistent with all the objectives achieved. The first objective is achieved by applied the programmable distance and barrier detection system ultrasonic sensor. Develop a product or hardware that can determine distance and detect barriers in front barriers. The second objective is achieved by complete the design to investigate the design smart blind cane using ultrasonic sensor, PIC, voice module and buzzer. The third objective is achieved by design to provide data on a navigation system based use ultrasonic sensor for barrier detection and studies that to help visual-impaired to move in front very well and safety navigate.
One of the most important difficulties faced by the visually challenged persons is constraints in independent mobility and navigation. They primarily use the white cane as a mobility aid allowing them to detect close by obstacles on the ground. The detection of objects above knee height is almost impossible and is a major hindrance for them.  Developments in embedded systems have opened up a vast area of research and development for affordable and portable assistive devices for the physically challenged.

This project aimed at the design and implementation of a detachable unit which acts to augment the functionality of the existing white cane, to allow knee-above obstacle detection. This unit consists of an ultrasonic ranger and a vibrator controlled by a microcontroller to offer an increased detection range of three meters. The distance information is conveyed to the user through non-interfering multi-frequency vibratory stimuli, the frequency of vibration indicating the proximity of obstacles. This unit is also capable of detecting fast moving obstacles.

A lot of effort has been put in the electromechanical design of this unit conveying the vibrations effectively and ensuring that it is easily attachable on the existing white canes without sighted assistance. A crucial design optimization goal was cost the unit has been developed as a low cost device which is affordable by the poor in developing countries.

Besides that, we get the benefit for this project. This project is an automatic system that uses ultrasonic sensors to be detecting the obstacles in front by a micro controller.  Adding security features for the disabled (blind). Facilitate the people with disabilities to move freely.  This project will operate to help all of the blind people in the world to make them easier to walk everywhere they want. This project was done to help the blind to move in front very well.

This smart blind cane by using technology system is successfully achieving the objective. That can detect objects or obstacles in front of users and feeds warning back, in the forms of voice messages and buzzer, to users. This project is to people with disabilities that are blind to facilitate the movement and increase safety.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Programmable for C Language to final year project

This is coding for ultrasonic sensor and PIC16F877A and voice module.

#include <16f877a.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#fuses hs, noprotect, nowdt, nolvp

#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7, parity=N)

#byte PORTA=5
#byte PORTB=6
#byte PORTC=7

#define  sensor_sig  PIN_C0 //Pulse trigger input

long range;
long sensor_read();

void main()
  set_tris_b(0b00000000); //RB as output

   //initialize all ports

      range=sensor_read()/10;  //read ultrasonics signal


          output_high(pin_d0); // voice command
          output_high(pin_d1); //  buzzer
          output_low(pin_d2);  // voice power supply
          output_high(pin_d2);  // voice power supply


      else if

          output_high(pin_d0); // voice command
          output_low(pin_d1); //  buzzer
          output_low(pin_d2);  // voice power supply
          output_high(pin_d2);  // voice power supply




      delay_ms(500);    //wait 500ms


long sensor_read()
   long time_out=0;
   long sensor_cnt=0;

   output_high(sensor_sig);   //send a pulse out
   delay_us(5);               //for 5us
   output_low(sensor_sig);    //stop sending
   delay_us(600);             //wait for 600us

   //wait for feedback
   }while(time_out!=400 && input(sensor_sig)==0);

   //start count pulse
      }while(sensor_cnt!=20000 && input(sensor_sig)==1);


Monday, March 11, 2013

Drawing and Design a Method Implement Flowchart and Diagram

This is circuit implement flowchart for this project.

Flowchart Explanation

1.         Method Finding
It was done after project briefing since the first week. We had find out multiple choices of method that smart blind cane use to detect distance and barrier in front. As we can see, there are many type of ultrasonic sensor in the world.
2.         Method Analysis
            The method to construct circuit achieved either from the thesis, journal, magazine, internet and electronics shop. It is necessary to analysis beforehand to ensure it is really practically. During analyzing, the types of method have been decided by comparison and reasonable facts and factors.
3.         Calculation Analysis
            Once the method has been decided, all the required calculation analysis must being done. It is because to find the actual torque that can be driven with the load. The parameter of the ultrasonic sensor just measure with calculation the distance.
4.         Construct Circuit
In this part, the circuit involved only PIC, ping ultrasonic sensor and voice module circuit. In my part, the controller circuit is designed by the combination of ultrasonic sensor circuit and voice module circuit on the controller. This is very important circuit to setup the cut-off the controller of the cane. All the circuit that we design has its own relay. We put the relay on each circuit it is because easy to us troubleshot the circuit if the circuit does not function.
5.         Circuit Testing
            Was done after us soldering each circuit and determine circuit functionality. Proceed with the troubleshooting and reconstruct to recognize the problems.

6.         Troubleshooting
            This step took the most time in entire project execution. It may cause to reconstruct disolder and resolder. We are doing the troubleshooting mostly on sensor circuit and the voice module.
7.         Circuit Installation
            Finally, the complete circuit was installed in the casing. It also required some modification to fit the circuit and to make sure it is functioning with efficiency. 

This is a diagram for this project of Smart Blind Cane.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Soldering and do a circuit

Ping ultrasonic sensor:


Transistor Drive Relay

Pic 16F877A

 I do the circuit and soldering the circuit for this month.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Buy component at Jalan Pasar

I will buy all my component at this shop. This shop is around at jalan pasar pudu. This shop is cheaper than at another shop.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Decided program will choose at fyp

I will decide for choose this c programming language because it is quite easy for learning. This program is shorter than other program.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Decided for component use to fyp

Schematic Diagram


Transistor Drive Relay

Rechargeable Baterry 12 volts

Ping Ultrasonic Sensor

Monday, January 14, 2013

Research component at website

Ping Ultrasonic Sensor

Blind Cane

Type of Blind Cane

This month i would research the component about Smart Blind Cane for first week. i will choose the suitable component to make a prototype for my FYP.